Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A little break and back to business

Last week was midterm week. In addition I got fever on the weekend. So couldn't do much things on my research. Now I am back on my mission.

Now I know how a basic Linux driver works, I was wondering how a Microsoft Windows Driver works. Well, I tried to study MS driver stuff before, but it seemed Hebrew to me. Now I could understand most of the things as I know linux stuff better. Thanks to a thesis paper DOWNLOAD called "A Comparison of the Linux and Windows Device Driver Architectures" by Melekam Tsegaye and Richard Foss [Rhodes University, South Africa]. I was looking for something exactly like this. This paper answered too many things I was looking for. If I want to give you the summary, I have to copy and paste the whole document. The document is concise and each and every word is descriptive.

I'll do what I was doing. I'll post later was useful for me.

My supervisor [Dr. Mumit Khan] gave me a couple of links yesterday. The site was down for maintenance. Now it is working, I'm going through those as well.

My next post will be based on another review over linux device drivers.

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